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The book Quarantime Love was composed between March and July 2020, during the Covid-
19 pandemic. Its texts and poems are made out of real letters exchanged between two
people, one living in Canada, and the other in the UK. Sentences and words from the letters
were cut out and reassembled on the page. As the story progresses and the physical
meeting between the two people becomes closer, drawings give way to photographs and
saturated textures to bone-dry images. The book is both a long love letter and an archive of
the lived experience of the first months of the pandemic. By waiving together our voices,
merging and crossing them on paper, I sought to overcome geographical distances and
create a connection with the materiality of poetry. A body of work where we could touch.
Perhaps it is worth mentioning the question that prompted the book: “can our love be our
art?” We are still finding answers to that.


holds a PhD in Comparative Studies from the University of Lisbon and is part of the Synaesthesia research group. Her thesis on dance as intermedial translation received recognition from Lisbon's National Museum of Theatre and Dance. Her research has been published in various journals, including Routledge. Formerly a research assistant at Concordia University, she now lives in Newcastle, working as a community coordinator and independent researcher.

Issue #05
1. Um gesto onde se abriga a cinza: esboços para Rui Nunes
2. Do Donbass a Hiroshima: Paisagens Traumáticas, Paisagens de Monstros
3. Rebanho e multiplicação
4. Platitudes 3 (excerto)
5. Can u listen?
6. este cinema desdobrado em ossuário
8. Tapeçarias
9. “Não é permitida a saída de flores”
11. Incipit. Scree. Explicit.
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