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is a poet, philologist, translator, video creator and an active and award-winning cultural manager. She manages her own Residence for Writers in Coruña. Since 2009, she has been organizing literary workshops, international poetry translation workshops, festivals and monthly poetry cycles. She won, among others, the Ojo Critic Award 2009, Irmandade do Livro “Author of the Year” Award 2014 and the González-Garcés Award. She has published seven individual poetry books, several anthologies, and seven children's poetry books. She has worked as an editor, biographer and translator for contemporary poets. Her last book of poetry is entitled Materia (Xerais, 2022). "Paleta Planeta" (Although, 2021) is the title of her latest volume for children.

Issue #04
1. Manequinaria
3. Destruir, ela disse. Apontamentos sobre a poesia de Mônica de Aquino
4. A Graciosidade das Rochas
5. Apontamentos de um verão atípico
6. é como se,
7. Periferias do Grande Exterior
8. Araña
9. Quando Onde
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